브렌쏭의 Veritas_Garage

MySQL && ELK #has not received any packets from the server 본문


MySQL && ELK #has not received any packets from the server

브렌쏭 2022. 4. 24. 11:15

The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago.
The driver has not received any packets from the server.


찾아본 해결책



mysql 원격접속 오류

The driver has not received any packets form the server. 요류가 발생할 시  1) DB가 기동되어 있지않거나,  2) MySQL 커녞터(JDBC 드라이버) 버전 문제,  3) MySQL이 로컬호스트(120.0.01)로만 접속 허용,..


bind-address 문제. 나는 mySQL을 도커에서 돌리고 있는데, 관련이 있을까? 내부적으로 같은 망이니 127이 맞을거 같긴 한데.



Solving a "communications link failure" with JDBC and MySQL

I'm trying to connect to the local MySQL server but I keep getting an error. Here is the code. public class Connect { public static void main(String[] args) { Connection conn = null;...


2011년 글이지만 서버라는게 그렇게 휙휙 바뀌던가.....



Java+Tomcat, Dying database connection?

I have a tomcat instance setup but the database connection I have configured in context.xml keeps dying after periods of inactivity. When I check the logs I get the following error: com.mysql.jdbc.


자바를 사용하는 경우, Java의 autoReconnect=true, 로 바꾸면 된다고 하네.



URGENT! Elastic search: Unable to perform jdbc query because of Exception when executing JDBC query

I have a sample logstash conf file, However when I. run it I can see a logstash error caused Error is [371de1f7cad8c35c02e4a3047ec831da42b9b5048183b45a3916162ab248f3f7] Exception when executing JDBC query {:exception=>"Java::ComMysqlCjJdbcExceptions::Commu


어쨌든 ELK사용하던 중에 일어난 일이니까, 엘라스틱에 물어본다.

Are you sure that the jdbc_connection_string is correct? A communication link failure exception usually happens when jdbc is not able to connect at all.
This could be because of a TLS error, or your bind-address for your mysql server is not, your port is incorrect or not listening, your sql server is not running, a firewall is preventing external connections, and much more. You need to check all the basics first.


docker-compose.yaml 파일의 경로설정에서 오타가 있었다. 미칠거같았는데 찾아보니 그냥 미친거 맞는거 같다
